Friday, 10 July 2009

T plus 11 hours 30 mins since departure

Well. We got to the airport fine, 4kg over the weight limit (i.e. £140) whereupon we all go to pay saying how I'm going for a whole year and the lady says 'oh, don't worry about it then, just pretend you only had 30kg'! We were so surprised by her kind gesture and of course happy to be financially better off.

Anyway, I bid Mum and Dad farewell (sob sob sob, obv obv obv), go for the plane, first leg 7 hours to Dubai. All fine, sleep a bit, eat a lot, watch Revolutionary Road, quite like it, survive the 3 children in front, 3 behind and 3 to the right, tho' come close to killing the man sitting next to me who does that leg-jiggling thing that drives me crazy (I'm thinking of you, Heidi, and you, Dan.)

Arrive in Dubai, LOVE the airport - it's like the most extreme shopping mall. Tho' no Primark here - only Cartier, D&G, gold and designer stuff. I admire the vile gold jewellery and read a guide book about Dubai. Looks dull, and ugly, with stupid building plans shaped like palm trees. I also finally go mental and buy myself a new Swatch, having nearly cut myself on my old one mid-flight changing the time (much nicer than the Edinburgh ones, Anna - black leather, 'ooh, shiny', sophisticated-looking.)

Step outside to board plane - bloody hell, it's 30 degrees here. Roasting. Then the fun begins. We sit on our plane - seemingly much smaller than the last regarding legroom, but a nice lady next to me. Phew. However, we're there for 2 hours - no air conditioning. We are all literally dripping and people are being sick. I sleep for an hour, maybe more, annoyed to be woken up to find that the plane cannot be fixed from whatever the 'minor mechanical fault' is and we'll have to get another plane, in an hour or so. Refreshments will be provided.

We get a bus back to the terminal - could it be any further? It's like a holiday in itself - and communally moan with joy as the air conditioning hits us. I admire the quiet behavior of the family 7 on the bus next to me, whose 5 children aged 6 to 6 months have not yet had breakfast. Anyway, now we're in the terminal, waiting for our plane, having found the refreshments were actually only a cruel joke. Good job I stole a load of water from Business Class on the way out. I hate long-haul flights.


At least I have a new watch.

What are you doing? A x


  1. oh my god, airplane travel NIGHTMARE.

    *pats* poor amy. Why didn't they get you guys off the plane after the first hour of literally cooking you alive on the runway? Thank god for the new watch or who knows what you might have turned to to put yourself out of misery?

    Currently I am sitting at my desk in work, not working, watching gilmore girls and jiggling my leg so much that im sure you can tell im doing it from dubai and it might be driving you a little psycho, even from a distance. muahahha. ;)

  2. I am sure you are not interested in what I am doing but I will tell you anyway. There is no chance of getting over heated in England as it is raining and cloudy. There is plenty to eat as I am in the kitchen. All the family are out so there is no-one to annoy me with leg jiggling (a disgusting habit which some people never grow out of, but it is better than compulsive scratching or spot poking which is also an attribute of fellow travellers on long haul flights). All in all, compared to you I am currently in heaven....don't worry soon you too will be able to sit in a kitchen, in the cool, with food available and your long haul flight will be but a blog entry.

    Happy arrivals. Your favourite aunt.
