Saturday 31 October 2009


So I've just been to see that film 'Julie and Julia' with Amy Adams and Meryl Streep (LOVE) about a woman who cooks all of Julia Child's recipes in a year and writes a blog about it.

The film is a bit too long and the blog lady Julie is a whiny, self-absorbed bitch, but Meryl is of course splendid and all the food (and Paris) looks absolutely delicious.

Now I am sitting at home in my beige, IKEA-furnished, studenty apartment on an unassuming street in Auckland's CBD, listening to drunk Asians yelling and wishing the following:

1. I was in Paris, or at least Europe. Anywhere with cafes tucked along cobbled streets, or a place with more "cul-cha" than some over-blown reggae and a love of biodiversity (except for you, possums. Fuck you).

2. I was the kind of person who felt inclined to cook tasty dishes rather than having an essentially raw diet of vegetables, gratefully complemented by the heat from my liquid-staples of tea, coffee and beer (tragically room temperature).

3. I had a (preferably attractive, single, male) friend who was doing an apprenticeship in cooking ("Chefery"? "Cheffing"?) and needed someone to taste all his work and whom he would still find curiously alluring despite their consequently ballooning waistline.

Know someone like that? Give them my number. Now.

This is Amy Brewer. Bon appetit! x

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